
About SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter

NPTEL is offering online certification courses: Learn for Free Anyone, Anytime and Anywhere. There is No Entrance Exams, No Entry Level Criteria. Join any Course and Enroll for free.

The main objective of the NPTEL is to enable students to obtain certificates for courses facilitating employability in the industry or help them pursue a suitable higher education programme.

N.V.K.S.D.College of Education has been recognized as the Local Chapter of Swayam-NPTEL (ID 3221) since November 2019. Dr.P.Sheela, Librarian appointed as Single Point of Contact (SPOC) regularly updates about all the latest NPTEL initiatives and gives information which she can disseminate among the students. She can identify suitable mentors for various courses, who can ensure that students are active in a course, submitting their assignments on time and also clarifies the doubts that they may have. The SPOC will acts as a connecting link between NPTEL and students, disseminating information as and when required.

Points to remember

Instructions for registration

  • Visit the NPTEL course portal
  • Choose the course you want to enroll.
  • All registrants have to use their email id while filling their profile.
  • While filling the Profile Learners say YES to the question 'Are you part of a Local Chapter' and choose our college name correctly from the drop down.
  • Students choose the Profession as 'Student'
  • Faculty choose the Profession as 'Faculty'.